Dr. Marcus A. Huggans is a native of St. Louis, Missouri and was educated in the University City and Lutheran Parochial school systems. Dr. Huggans completed his engineering studies at the University of Missouri-Rolla now known as the Missouri University of Science and Technology (Missouri S&T). He received a B.S.E.E. and M.S. & Ph.D. Engineering Management. Dr. Huggans is an alumnus of the GEM Fellowship Program. Dr. Huggans has extensive experience in the STEM field with over twenty-five years of working in the industry, academia, and non-profits.
He has worked for 3M Company, AT&T Bell Laboratories, FBI, and Texas Instruments Inc, Missouri S&T, and GEM. At GEM, Dr. Huggans recruits and conducts graduate programming to encourage under-represented minority students to pursue their graduate degrees in science, technology, engineering, and applied mathematics (STEM) fields. Dr. Huggans has been the Finance Chair for IEEE-ITSC, IEEE-HKN Editorial Committee, IEEE-HKN Board of Governors, and numerous other STEM initiatives. Additionally, Dr. Huggans has been an invited speaker to many diversity conferences, National Science Foundation, and multiple universities as well as corporations/national laboratories.
Finally, Dr. Huggans has been a chaplain in training since summer 2019 under the leadership of Bishop DD Hayes and Reverend Greg McBrayer.