Smiling man in black attire with glasses.


Executive Director

Father Greg McBrayer has worked and served in commercial aviation for 45 years as a Chief Flight Controller and Corporate Chaplain at American Airlines Integrated Flight Operations Center (IOC) in Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas. For more than twenty-five years, he has been a front-line pioneer in advancing Faith-Based Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) in the workplace. His professional career spans four decades as an FAA-licensed airman in Part 121 Commercial Flight Operations. As a Bi-Vocational ACNA Priest, Father Greg serves at Saint Barnabas Church in Fort Worth, Texas. He serves as a Corporate Chaplain and EAP Representative for (PAFCA) The Professional Airline Flight Controllers Association and is Chaplain of the American Airlines Emergency Response Care Team.

Father Greg is the founder and past president of American Airlines, IOC Monday Ministry Chapter of the Christian Employees Business Resource Group. He serves as the Christian Global Lead of American Airlines CEBRG, overseeing 20 Christian Ministry Chapters at American Airlines worldwide. He is the Exec. Director of DFW Airport Interfaith Chaplaincy and leads regular and special worship services at DFW Airport's D40 Meadows Chapel. He also serves as the CGO "Chief Growth Officer" of ChaplainCare, which provides Leadership, Learning and placement opportunities for workplace chaplains. He has chaired and served on numerous committees and boards in the Church, Parachurch, Aviation, Military, and First Responders communities. In 2018 Father Greg was awarded the "Chairman's Award" for his Employee Support and Chaplaincy Care at American Airlines.

In 2021, he was recognized for advancing American Airlines to the number one ranking among Fortune 500 Corporations on the RFBF (Religious Freedom and Business Foundation) REDI-Index. In 2023, the Religious Freedom and Business Foundation named him the CRG Leader of the Year.

Contact Fr. Greg at 412-721-7128 or email him at: [email protected]